With the new release 2.10, BICsuite and schedulix have become even more user-friendly. In Release 2.10 released on 21/05/04, these changes and additions have been made:
Zope 4 / 5 Web GUI
Zope 4 / 5 based on Python 3 is now officially supported for the BICsuite / schedulix Web GUI. Zope 2 based on Python 2 is still supported but will be deprecated in the next release.
Single Sign On with Active Directory
The BICsuite and schedulix Web GUI (Zope 2 as well as Zope 4 / 5) can now optionally configured to grant access to users using SSO via Active Directory.
BICsuite / schedulix Server audit trail now written in chunks
The configurable audit trail of changing commands written by the BICsuite / schedulix server process is now written in chunks of a configurable size with a time stamp extension.
Enable disabled jobs after submit
A disabled job / batch can now be enabled after the batch / job was submitted if it is still in state DEPENDENCY_WAIT.
Allow enable of batch/job while suspended
Disabled batches / jobs can now be enabled even they have been suspended.
Enabled Filter for Search Jobs
The monitoring pages now allow to filter out disabled jobs/batches.
Bulk Operations in Search Running Jobs and Detail Monitoring
The bulk operations available in the Running Masters view are now also available in the Search Running Jobs and the Job Details monitoring view.

Allow Enable / Disable of batches with cancelled disabled child
Now batches containing a cancelled disabled child still can be enabled and disabled.
Alter job with clone
Jobs already in a final state can be executed a second time by cloning the job to create a new submitted entity. However, this is only possible if the parent of the job has not yet adopted a final exit status.
Condensed List Commands
To reduce the amount of data to transfer and tuning frontend performance, a number of list commands now support a condensed option only delivering information needed by the Web GUI.
Refresh Button in Named Resource, Folder and Batch / Job Editors
The Named Resource, Folder and Batch / Job editor now provide a refresh button.
Order of Submit Parameters
The submit parameter sequence can now be defined by a comma separated list in a parameter with name PARAMETER_SEQUENCE.
End Minute 59 added to Range of Day End Selection
A range of day can now be set to end at the day by adding minute 59 to the selectable minutes of a range of day scheduling interval. Setting end to T00:00 will be replaced by T23:59 if start =T00:00.
Lazy load of large tabs
For better performance, large lists of editor tabs in the Web GUI are populated only if those tabs are selected.
Enable Condition in Parent Child Details
In addition to the enable interval of parent child definitions, a condition can now be specified.
Disabled State in Exit State Profiles
The exit state to use for disabled jobs can now specified explicitly in Exit State Profiles.
User Parameters
Parameters can now be specified for users to store configuration data of applications for users.
Time Scheduling Performance
Time Scheduling calculation performance was improved by implementing an enhanced caching of intermediate results while calculating time scheduling trigger times.
The complete 2.10 release notes you may download as a PDF File here: Release Notes 2.10 PDF