
Tutorial 7: Setting user defaults

In this video you get known to the user settings of BICsuite and schedulix. You learn how to create a new user profile, define your defaults and add time zones to the selection list. Tutorial 8: Time scheduling with different time zones Tutorial 9: More time scheduling options You have some questions? Please contact us!

Data Warehouse Automation

A multitude of processes have to be executed in data warehouse environments on a daily basis. Although an enterprise scheduling system is to be found in many companies, it is frequently not used for controlling the individual processes in data warehouse operation. In the majority of cases, larger and more complex batch processes are triggered by the enterprise scheduling system, but the workflow control within…

Tutorial 6: Exit State Translations and workarounds

That tutorial explains, how to handle in BICsuite and schedulix a small weak point in the result of the last video. Because the second job was skipped, the whole batch appeared with the Exit State SKIPPED. Here’s how to finalize the batch with SUCCESS. BASIC users create a dummy-job as a workaround, users of the PROFESSIONAL and ENTERPRISE edition learn how to use the Exit…

Tutorial 5: Conditional execution of a job within a batch

In this tutorial you create a batch consisting of the jobs ‘LOAD_NEW_DATA’ and ‘PROCESS_DATA’. The job ‘PROCESS_DATA’ should only run if the job ‘LOAD_NEW_DATA’ has actually loaded new data. Codeline for the field Run Program: $JOBNAME -c 0=SUCCESS:1=NO_DATA:2=FAILURE” Tutorial 6: Exit State Translations and workarounds Tutorial 7: Setting user defaults Tutorial 8: Time scheduling with different time zones

Process Decomposition

Process decomposition involves breaking down complex programs or scripts into smaller programs with a clearly differentiated functionality. Complex, long-running processes Large and complex programs, usually with long runtimes, are used in many IT environments to perform nighttime or background processing tasks. Once they have been started, these programs run completely under their own control. Monitoring the program progress and pinpointing the causes of errors that occur usually involves…

Tutorial 4: Exit-State-Definitions, -Mappings and Profiles

This video starts a workshop in several parts about the conditional execution of jobs. One job within a batch should only run, if another job has actually loaded new data. In this video you learn to handle Exit-State-Definitions, -Mappings and -Profiles in BICsuite and you build up the conditions for the communication between the two jobs. Tutorial 5: Conditional execution of a job within a…

Tutorial 3: Interventions in processing batches

In the third part of our tutorial series we demonstrate, how to monitor running batches and intervent in case of failures. You learn for example, how to rerun single jobs, cancel them or how to temporarily ignore dependencies. Tutorial 4: Exit-State-Definitions, -Mappings and Profiles Tutorial 5: Conditional execution of a job within a batch Tutorial 6: Exit State Translations and workarounds

Tutorial 2: Create a simple batch process

In this Video you learn how to create and run a simple batch process with dependencies in BICsuite Tutorial 3: Interventions in processing batches Tutorial 4: Exit-State-Definitions, -Mappings and Profiles Tutorial 5: Conditional execution of a job within a batch

Process Flow Control With Shell Scripts

This article is a critical examination of the use of the UNIX shell (sh, ksh, bash, . . .) in the context of process flow control. The occurring and the problems described within this document are of conceptual nature and also apply to the use of other scripting languages (perl, python, . . .). In no way is it our intention to criticize these languages as…

Parallel processing in data warehouse

The processing of large amounts of data is typical for data warehouse environments. Depending on the available hardware resources, sooner or later the point is reached where a job cannot be processed on a single processor resp. cannot be represented by a single process anymore. The reasons for that are: Time requirements demand the use of multiple processors Systems resources (memory, disk space, temporary tablespace, rollback…